
Bihar | von Cemile Sahin | 43 min | am Freitag, 24.05.2024 um 18:00 Uhr | Q&A mit Cemile Sahin | im Filmhaus

A key motif of Spring is water, with a focus on the economic and social impact of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). This huge infrastructure program was set up to “develop” the rivers Euphrates and Tigris as water resources for commercial purposes by constructing numerous dams and hydroelectric power stations. This has caused both environmental and social problems for the people who live in the region. The project has also led to tensions with Syria and Iraq, neighboring countries concerned that Turkey will cut them off from their water supply.

Sahin’s film tells of a fictional Kurdish family whose homeland was flooded to make way for a dam. We see episodes from the lives of several family members. We learn about their everyday situation and their worries – and about Hasan, a husband and father who allegedly died as a result of police brutality. Sahin quotes cinematic genres ranging from the documentary to the political thriller, from film noir to the soap opera or telenovela. Despite the theme of structural violence and patriarchal power, this lends the work a light touch and laconic humour that make us eager to hear more.

Programm 2024

Freitag, 24.05.2024

Kurzfilmprogramm | 96 min | 16:00 Uhr

Bihar | von Cemile Sahin |43 min | 18:00 Uhr | Q&A

Im toten Winkel | von Ayşe Polat |118 min | 20:00 Uhr

Samstag, 25.05.2024

Kurzfilmprogramm | 81 min | 15:00 Uhr 

Masterclass mit Soleen Yusef | 90 min | 17:00 Uhr | Q&A

Konzert mit Nanobeat | 60 min | 19:00 Uhr

Haus ohne Dach | von Soleen Yusef |124 min | 20:00 Uhr | Q&A

Sonntag, 26.05.2024

 Kurzfilmprogramm |58 min | 16:00 Uhr 

Bekar Evi | von Dirk Schäfer | 76 min | 17:30 Uhr | Q&A

The Legend of the Ugly King | von Hüseyin Tabak | 122 min | 20:00 Uhr | Q&A